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Philosophy, pedagogy, and practice
My four D’s model of teaching design:
Disseminate | Digest | Debate | Do
I’ve created the 4D’s model to visualise the philosophy that underpins my approach to the design of teaching material.
Importantly, it doesn’t all happen in the classroom, that’s just the beginning. Even more importantly, it ends with application in the workplace.
Disseminate – I deliver teaching be it to students, learners or managers.
Digest- much of my content challenges current thought processes and can be complex. Students, learners and managers need time to process the information and understand it more fully.
Debate – I do not expect everyone to agree or accept with what I deliver. Challenge is good. It is useful to discuss and debate the information and knowledge that has been disseminated. The debate may be internal, as part of a community of practice among learners or with colleagues in the workplace.
Do – having debated the merits of the teaching and thoroughly considered its application in the workplace, it’s time for action.
Content vs. Delivery
My 80/20 rule of teaching content and delivery
I get annoyed that whenever you seek to research pedagogy, the method and practice of teaching, that all the literature in essence concentrates merely on delivery. Don’t get me wrong, delivery is important as a teacher. I would encourage those involved in education to develop and grow their methods of delivery continuously and to reflect on their practice. However, to me, content is even more important than delivery. You can teach and receive great feedback based on personality and method of delivery when the content that you have delivered is actually, not very good. I like to think my delivery is good and I’m proud to receive exemplary feedback, but I put at least 80% of my effort when creating teaching materials into the content and the remaining 20% is dedicated to how it is delivered.
Teaching Practice
Just some of what I do, can and have delivered
Author, creation and delivery of creative and innovative workshops
Hostage Negotiation for Business
Art of War for Business
Neuroscience for Leadership
Unconscious Bias
International Financial Economics – level 6 (3rd year) – using simple and complex models to describe the effect of changes to interest rates on inflation, unemployment and economic growth and modelling supply and demand of currency.
Doing business in China
Business Environment
Management Environment
Business Analysis
Business Intelligence
Business decision modelling
Introduction to economics
Business and economics in the European Union
Economics in Context
Data Discovery Visualisation
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